Online searches and search engines restricted for safety while on SFUSD network.

As of Monday, November 19, 2018, the San Francisco Unified School District enabled Google Safe Search for all district Internet traffic. Prior to this, a Google Images search for certain words and phrases could have produced inappropriate and uncensored results. This is because Google traffic is encrypted making its content unknown to our existing filtering system.

With Google Safe Search in place, SFUSD has greater ability to limit the opportunities for a student to access visually inappropriate content. While no system is infallible, this will address a known risk. In addition, effective January 21, 2019, Google search is the only sanctioned search engine for use in the SFUSD.  As such, attempts to use yahoo and some others will result in a screen similar to the following to display:

This is not an error and the resolution is to navigate to and utilize that search engine.

The District took these steps because in the SFUSD Student and Family Handbook it states the District will “maintain Technology Protection Measures” and those measures “are configured to protect against visual access to material that is obscene, child pornography, and material that is harmful to minors, as defined by the U.S. Children's Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”).”

  • 1st Publish SFUSD OASIS November 1, 2018
  • 2nd Publish SFUSD OASIS January 22, 2019
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