How do I report lost or stolen SFUSD-owned equipment?

Lost and Stolen Equipment Procedure – Technology Items and Devices

Unfortunately, laptop computer theft is very common, please remember that leaving anything of value in your vehicle (even the trunk) is never a good idea and is an open invitation to thieves.

The very first thing to do is file a police report with the law enforcement agency in the same city or county the laptop computer or other equipment was stolen.

Information you will need to provide to the police:

  • Manufacturer, model and serial number of the laptop/equipment
  • Date and time of theft
  • Approximate address of theft and general description of event
  • Your current contact information
  • Details: were other items stolen? Power cord, case, flash drive, etc.

The information on the police report must include:

  • Police Agency Information (e.g. SF Police Department; San Mateo County Sheriff Department).
  • Precinct Information (phone number, precinct/station number/name, contact Info.)
  • Police Report that includes the file/incident/or ID number issued by the law enforcement agency.  A police report that you submit without the file/incident/or ID number is not acceptable.
  • Investigating officer's ID/star/badge No. and full name and any relevant contact information.

In San Francisco the officially accepted/filed police report will look like this sample:


The intial notice of an incident report being submitted by SFPD is insufficient to satisfy reporting requirements:


Next, submit the SFUSD Risk Management Office Stolen Property Report (see link at the bottom of this article) and fill it out completely. Along with your SFUSD Risk Management Office Stolen Property Report, please submit a copy of the officially accepted/filed police report to the Department of Technology by creating a service request ticket.

SFUSD DoT in conjunction with law enforcement and our tracking software vendor will then initiate an investigation and try to recover the laptop. We will keep you up to date as we receive information or a resolution.

Please note: The district is not insured for and does not reimburse programs, departments or schools for damaged, lost, or stolen computer equipment. Any funding for replacement will be determined through an investigation conducted by the appropriate program manager. If negligence is found, the employee responsible may be asked to personally reimburse the program for replacement lost or stolen equipment.


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