What are the marks or grades that I may issue to students for middle/high school report cards?

Following are the standard middle and high school grade marks for report cards that teachers may issue.

Also be sure to review the SFUSD Grading Policy Administrative Regulation 5121 on grading.


A.............. Outstanding Achievement
B.............. Above Average Achievement
C.............. Average Achievement
D.............. Below Average Achievement
F............... Little or No Achievement
I............... Incomplete (See note below)
P.............. Pass (See note below)
NP............ No Pass
N or NM.. No Mark (See note below)

+ or ...... Plus (+) or minus (-) grade modifiers were discontinued starting with school year 2017-2018.


1...... Student is doing excellent work.

2...... Student participates well in class.

3...... Student makes consistent effort.

4...... Student’s work/behavior is improving.

5...... Absences/Tardies affecting grade.

6...... Modified curriculum (special education students only).

7...... Must bring textbook/materials to class/physical education uniform.

8...... Must compete classroom/homework assignment.

9...... Must improve classroom behavior.

10.... Teacher-Parent conference requested at school.

In addition, the Curriculum & Instruction Office has issued the following guidance regarding the issuance of N, I, and P marks:



If your school posts attendance and comments but no letter grades nor credits to Homeroom or Advisory sections on report cards, do the following so that the mark posted will not impact the students' GPA calculations:

  • Homeroom or Advisory class sections must be set to “Included in grading” in the Synergy master schedule by the school administrator responsible for the school's mater schedule.
  • Homeroom or Advisory class sections must have credits set to “0.000” in the Synergy master schedule by the school administrator responsible for the school's mater schedule.
  • Teachers should submit “N” (No Mark) for Homeroom or Advisory when submitting grades online.

If the school does post letter grades and credits for Homeroom or Advisory, the class sections’ credits information in the master schedule should be set as appropriate for the credits necessary by the school administrator responsible for the school's mater schedule.

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