How do I print elementary standards based report cards for a prior grading period or school year from Synergy for a student

Elementary school standards-based report cards from prior grading periods or school years may be viewed and printed directly from Synergy by using the following directions.

1. Login to Synergy.

2. On the Tree Menu, navigate to: Synergy SIS> Student> Student.

3. Search for the student you need the report card for.

4. When you have the student's Demographic information displayed, click the Documents Tab.  On the Documents Tab, click the document icon in the far right column next to the report card that you want to view:

5. Depending on how your web browser is configured, the report card will display or it will download the file that you can then open and print as needed.

Report cards will be formatted to print on 8.5"x11" letter-sized paper.

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